An ISO 9001 : 2008
Certified Company

Coordination between the factory and farmers are essential the factory has a close liaison with the cultivator members. In the operational area of 207 villages, there are village representatives one for each village selected out of dedicated-and honest social workers and information as well as periodical circulars are communicated to all the members from time to time. Coordination Meetings, Seminars, Training Programmes are also arranged to keep members informed about latest-cultivation techniques, menurial, schedules, campaigns against various seasonal pestes and diseases etc. This has helped the organisation in achieving higher productivity per hectare under cultivation. In other words the whole group of 11406 farmer members and 1600 workers are staying together as one family and demonstrate excellent example of team spirit.

Insecticides, Plant nutrines, etc are given at 40% subsidized rate to the Cultivators, particularly when infested with particular diseases. A separate Development wing along with sophisticated Tissue Culture Laboratory and Soil Test Laboratory is existing. Farmers are taking full advantages of this facility.

Farmer whosoever may need financial assistance for Cane Plantation are given Rs. 8000/- per Acre for new crop and Rs. 5000/- for ratoon. Arial Spray through Helicopter also arrange as per requirements.

The Sugar factory has a total of 11,402 Grower Members out of which about 1191 Share Holders are Adivasi, Harijans and Marginal Farmers.

Profile Management Products Achievements Rural Devlopment
Financial Info Reserch & Development Future Planning Jeevan Raksha Hospital Industrial Training Institute
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