An ISO 9001 : 2008
Certified Company
     Research & Development

In our Bio-control Laboratory we are rearing Trichogama Chinolis and Trichogamma Japonicum for the control of Sugar- cane borers, Sugarcane growers are taking benefit of this. Several new verieties are being initiated after deputing leading farmers and Agricultural Scientists to neighboring states and after proper inspection. In our area of operation COC 671, CO 86032, CO 86002, COSI 95071M, MC 707, 91132, 8209 etc. varieties are more advanced and farmers are prefering this varieties due to good result.

We have our own Effluent Treatment Plant and Bio-compost plant by which we take care of pollution and producing Methane Gas and Bio-compost. Methane Gas is generated from Distillery spent wash & energy is recovered from waste & burnt in package boiler to generate steam which is required in distillery for the production of Alcohol. Byproduct from Sugar factory i.e. Filter Cake and Spent Wash after Bio-methanation is then used in predicted proportion to produce Bio-compost. This Bio-compost thus produced is excellent manure, which improves soil texture. This is given to farmers at nominal rate. This way Spent Wash(Waste) from the industry is first utilised for Methane Gas generation and after that consumed for the production of Bio-compost. This is one of the best approach and step towards Zero effluent, which protects environment also.

We have 7 (seven) Hot Air Seed Treatment Plants and we are giving every year about 1500 Tonnes of Hot Seeds of different selected varieties to our member farmers as seed plot.

Varietal trails are conducted for introducing new and disease resistant high yielding varieties of Sugarcane and they are distributed amongst cultivators after trail. The factory has a 50-Acre Model Farm for this purpose. Our Factory Farm is one of the centre for advance verietal trails (Early & Mid Late group) under All India Coordinated Research Project on Sugar- cane of Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow.

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