An ISO 9001 : 2008
Certified Company
     Products                  l   Sugar   l    Bagasse    l   Molasses   l   Rectified Spirit   l   Ethanol   l
SUGAR Sugar Clients

The sugar which is a Carbo-hydrate is obtained from sugar cane and is known as Cane Sugar. It contains 99.50% sucrose. Actually cane sugar is chemically known as Sucrose which is disaccharide. It is soluble in water. Sucrose is dextrorotatory on hydrolysis which is chemically known as inversion, it yield a mixture of Glucose and Fructose. Glucose and Fructose both are monosaccharide and are levorotatory. Sugar is essential part of human diet hence it comes under essential commodity. This sugar when heated to 180°C yield amorphous brown syrupy substance called caramel which is used as a colorant in food products and drinks. The sugar is having multiple uses. It can be used as a row material in fermentation industry to produce Ethyl Alcohol, Butyl Alcohol, Glycerin and Citric Acid.

BAGASSE Bagasse Clients
  Bagasse is the residue obtained from crushing cane in the mills. It contains about 50% moisture and 2% sugar and the balance is fiber. It is also very commonly used as fuel in boilers in the Sugar Factory. Bagasse is used as a row material for the production of Cellulose, Furfural, Paper, Particle board, Cattle feed etc.
MOLASSES Molasses Clients
  Molasses which is also known as black strap molasses or treacle is a dark brown viscous liquid obtained as a by-product in processing Cane Sugar. It contains nearly 45% uncrystallized, fermentable Sugar & some Sucrose. It is a valued by-product of foreign liquor, as a table syrup and food flavourant, Ethyl Alcohol, Acetic Acid, Citric Acid, Glycerin and Yeast. It is also used as food for farm animals and in the manufacture of several processed tobaccos. It is not economical to crystallized the sugar from molasses.  
RECTIFIED SPIRIT (RS) RectifiedSpirit Clients
  It is manufactured by Formation & Distillation of molasses,
As per IS: 323-1959 specification.
(i) Sp. Gravity 0.8171 at 15.6°C.
(ii) Percent by volume 94.68 at 15.6°C.
It is used for manufacturing of Acetic Acid, Acetone, Oxalic Asid Absolute Alcohol & other various chemicals.

  It is manufactured by Azeotropic Distillation of Rectified Spirit as per IS :321-1964 specification.
(i) Sp. Gravity 0.7961 at 15.6°C.
(ii) Ethanol content 99.8 percent by volume at 15.6°C.
It is used as Fuel in Automobile and also in Pharmaceutical Industries.
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